Monday, December 31, 2012


So today was 21-15-9 ROW and AD for Cals.
Time was 3:36. Felt like held a good pace. Should have turned up the rower for faster cals. Ready to relax with the family. Excited about the new year.

Sunday, December 30, 2012


So today was 

Row 1000 then 50 BJ at 26 inches. TIme was 6;10. Row was 1:36 avg 500 happy with that. BJ were slow and painful. Think I amy have hot the row to hard. Tried to spend minimal time on the ground.
Then 21-15-9 KBS at 1.5 pood and wallballs. Time was 3:10. Happy with that, all UB. 

Saturday, December 29, 2012


A. Squat clean thruster; build to a max (must be in 1 motion)

Was only able to get 225 today. 1rm is 235 a few months ago. In competition. Was having trouble in the bottom of the catch getting the right hand position to powers straight up to overhead. Just hand position felt off.

B. Amrap squat clean thrusters in 8 min @90% of A

Used 205 and only got 3. Had no problem cleaning the weight. It was getting my hand position just right.


3 rounds for time:

50 meter farmers walk 2 pood

3 rope climbs

Farmers walk as prescribed. Do not have a rope so used a towel over the pull-up up bar. I figured 1 pull up for every foot of rope. So figured 15x3 = 45 feet per set. So 45 towel pull-ups per set. Broke them down into 9 sets of 5. Biceps were screaming.




A. Deficit deadlift from platform 1-3", 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min

Used 245 which is about 50% of 1rm on top of 45lb bumper plates, about 3 inches. Focused on speed of movement, getting into position, and controlling the bar down.

B. Push press 6-8x5; rest 2 min

Used 95-175 felt smooth.

C1. KBS 20 unbroken 2 pood x4; rest 1 min

Smooth and UB, good hip extension,

C2. HSPU; amrap unbroken x4; rest 1 min

Finally getting the hang of the kip HSPU. Only strung together about 10-12 but happy with the progress.



A. Power clean 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1; rest 3 min (perform 30 unbroken double unders before each attempt)

B. Weighted chin up 2, 2, 2; rest 2 min.So PC were between 225-250 felt fast. Was happy to keep form while gassed. Here is 250 for a triple.

Power clean 205# And Muscle ups
5:20. Felt like kip is coming along. 

Monday, December 24, 2012


So today was 1 mile run/2k row/ 1 mile run. Time was 21:21. Goal was in the 20's. held a 6:30 mile for the first mile. Row was 7 flat, held a 1:45. The second run was rough had trouble getting my pace to below. Actually started to,pick up the pace after the first 800, but quickly slowed to a pace above 7:15.

Sunday, December 23, 2012


So today was supposed to be
10 BJ @ 24 inches 5 min amrap
AD cals /power snatch @ 75lb

My right shoulder was pissed from day prior. So spent an hour doing mob work and rolling out instead.

Saturday, December 22, 2012


So today was
Deadly Gauntlet 3 rep TnG start at 315 increase 15 pounds on the minute. Made it to 405
Then the next part should be named Jeff Kryptomite.
50 TGU at 52lb
25 wall walks
15 HSPU 40:30
TGU were really hard in the beginning, got significantly faster as I began to punch up and stabilize better.
Wall walks just sucked after TGU
The HSPU actually felt good at the end. 3 sets of 5 and done. I think I can do this a a lot faster now that I have the groove for TGU.

Friday, December 21, 2012


So today was
BS 5X3 - Stayed light as hit a heavy 1RM Clean of 287 yesterday. So did not want to push it.
A1- Backward Lunge alt legs X 20. Used 30lb dumbells. Can go heavier next time and still maintain form.
A-2 20 UB Pullups. 1st set was UB. Then grip started failing so had to break it up. Will continue to work this.
T2B 15 x 4 UB. These were really challenging as grip was gone from pullups. Core felt strong, just had trouble hanging on.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

8-18 December

So this is a huge gap.Gonna try and catch this back up.
8 December
PC TnG 5,5,3,3 paired with hspu 4x20
Did 185-240 and competed all hspu.Smoked by hspu, PCM felt great.

FS 225 paired with strict ring dips. 5:40

Row 500
50 wallball
Row 250
50 box jumps 7 min flat. BJ felt slow

4 min amrap
50 double unders
10 burpees 3 rounds even

10 Dec
3k run

1 1/4 Back squat 5 sets of 3 185-265
Thruster 15 UB 95-135 paired with 15 UB pull-ups

30 muscle up for time 11:20

14 Dec
Back Squat 3 sets of 5 315-355
Snatch Balance 4 sets of 3 115-155 paired with weighted chin up 5,5,3,3 25-45lb

Deadlift start at 315 increase 15lb every min until failure. 465

Diane 21-15-9 225 deadlift/hspu

16Dec 1k run

10 min max double under

Saturday, December 8, 2012


So couple days behind as usual. So last couple days Worked some touch and go power cleans with 185-225.
Then did clean doubles paired with ring dips and pullups. Hit 260 for a double in a workout so was happy with that.

Then did some oly work this am followed by FS at 225 ring dip couplet.
Also hit some drop snatches at 160. need to not ride these down so much.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

4 December

So today was 30 thruster at 95 followed by a 500 meter row. End of October I did this in 2:50, this AM was 2:40, pretty happy with this, still not runnin with the big dawgs yet, but gettin there!

3 December

Been out on the road last week so posts have been lagging, been hittin hard on the road though. So back home yesterday and did a 2k time trial. 7:00 flat. Goal is sub 6:50, will get that!!!

Monday, November 26, 2012

19-25 Nov

So been super busy with the holiday and work, headed to Disney and San Diego in RV, so gonna briefly catch up on all workouts.

1) 1000 meter row 3:12 PR
2) 10 min AD 288 cal PR
3) 200 meter run 15 burpee box jumps 3RFT. 8:00. ( was on treadmill and had to restart every 200)
4) 135 Thruster 20, burpee 20, pullups 20 AMRAP 20 mins. 3 rounds 3 thruster. PR

Have video of AD and thruster wod. IF you need them coach. The RV park WIFI is super slow so can post them next week if needed. Plan to do some oly work today and will film and post that as those are real short. Onward.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


So got up in early in the am and knocked out Karen, about 1 minute slower then I anticipated, but was feeling flat today, rough night with kids and something had me puking at 2am, thankfully it passed and I was happy to get it in. This was one of those days when I was gonna get after it and be done.


So today was Clean work followed by 135 X 30 reps. Was really happy, Prd on all my lifts.

PC was 260 (+20lb PR) Felt really smooth, really did not focus on the weight or the lift, I have been told I give it to much thought and slow the lift down. Tried to avoid that.
Next lift was full clean, hit 270 (+15lb PR). Still feeling great. After that I think I started to overthink it and could not get any more weight increases. Watching the video I know that I have more in me.
Then C/J work also made a PR of 255. Happy with that.
Followed that with Grace. Time on video was 2:59. I give myself a 30 second penalty as I only count 26 reps. I have done this workout in low 2 minutes, I was happy with the form though as I usually just pull with my arms and muscle it up, I had a few reps of that style as fatigue set in, but tried to avoid.
Overall really happy with the day, I feel like my Oly lifts are coming along.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


So did Isabelle today. 135 snatch 30 reps for time.Was not real happy with time, but was really focusing on getting every rep looking good.


So today was 1RM max work. Goal was 1RM power followed by squat snatch. Was unable to actually get under the bar. So ended up with a 195 power snatch. I stopped at this weight because ass started shooting up.

12 nov

So did oly form work today.


So today was Fat Fran 21-15-9 Thruster Pullup with 135 took 8:25
Felt good. Was happy to stay UB on first 21 thrusters.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


So today was snatch work. Did form work followed by full snatch @ 135 x 2  on the 45 seconds for 12 sets. Felt a little slow, last week I used 150 but had to drop down a bit as form was not as smooth as last week.

Later on today I plan to do 5RFT of run 200 meters, 15 snatch at 75, 30 double unders.


So today was Back Squat 3 sets of 5, at a controlled pace 32X1. Used 315 felt strong but I think tempo was a bit fast. Had to hit it at work as time was short.
Followed this with weighted pullup cluster 3,3,3 with 30 seconds rest x 5 stes Used 30 lbs, last cluster was tough, but felt strong throughout.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


So today was Snatch Grip DL 5,4,3,2,1 followed by a couplet of weighted dips and Parallete HSPU. The snatch grip DL felt great worked from 265-385. Could have gone a bit heavier but felt like I was starting to let my ass rise up before my chest, so stopped and tried to maintain form.
The dip/paralette hspu owned me. I spent about 20 minutes just practicing the kip and trying to get the depth I needed. I ended up stacking up the plates so I had about a 3 inch deficit, and was still only getting about 2-3 reps in the 60 second time period. My left shoulder was starting to get pissed so I called it after 3 sets. Got some work to do here.


Today was 10 RFT 5 T2B, 10 KBS @ 55, 15 PP at 65. TT was 12;25. Goal was to stay UB on all movements wich I did as well as control breathing to avoid getting to gassed. Was able to do that up until the last round. Goal was to stay under 10 minutes, missed that mark, but I believe it can be achieved.


So today was 750 row (subbed 600 meter run_camping w/ no rower). 40 thruster @ 65lb, and 20 pullups 2 rounds for time. Run felt solid, and thruster were all UB. Pulups felt off, not real smooth. Total time was 10:26. Overall happy as metcon appears to be improving.

Monday, November 5, 2012

3 Nov

So I did Dian today. Did it in 8:52 still along way to go but was happy with this as it was a 4 minute PR. Starting to get the HSPU kip down.

2 Nov

So today was snatch work. Starting to get better on form. This is the 8th set of 2 snatch with 150. Work set was 12 sets of 2 @ 150 every 45 seconds.

1 Nov

So today was clean work. Felt like I am starting to get the feel of a good lift down. Here is 225 X 5 from the hang.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


So today was elevated DL 5X5 from 4 inches off the ground.  This was the first time I did these. Just learning the form. The research I did on net said that it was best to start off with a lower weight, and that these can be humbling.  Should do a better job of controlling the weight down to get more of a benefit. So will will work that next time, ended up with 275-315 for sets.
This was followed by some shoulder press work 3,2,1 X 2. Weights felt good. Went from 135-185. Heels came up a bit on this one at 185, but was happy with the movement overall.
Also did some clean work this is 225 from hang X 5.


So today was
12 min amrap:
24 double unders
12 wall balls
3 muscle ups

Got 6 rounds even. Would like to have gotten a  couple more. Muscle ups still a challenge, really working the kip on top, trying to get it without losing control. Started to feel like I was actually recovering on the double unders, really tried to focus on controlling my breathing and jumping at a pace that I could recover at. 

Saturday, October 27, 2012


So today was online throwdown.
1st event 3RM hang snatch. Hit 165 here was happy with that. Think form is slowly improving. Still a ton of work to do to get Oly lifts online with strength, but slow and steady improvements are the goal.
The next event was 30 thruster at 95 followed by a 500 meter row. Score was 2:50. Felt strong and smooth through entire event, felt like slowly getting my TOP GEARS back per say.

The final event was 9 burpees touching a 6 inch mark above head, followed by 12 PC @ 95, followed by 15 WB, 5 RFT. Score was 10:57. Also happy with this really pushed hard and felt like I am getting metcon work back. Also uploading these videos currently and will post when available.

Thursday, October 25, 2012


So today was 1 on 5 off row @ 95% X 5. Was at work late so only had treadmill in hospital gym. So ran @ same schedule. 
Ran 1 min @ 5:50 pace and recovered 5 @ 10 min pace. Challenging but maintable. 

24 oct

24 OCT
So got some really good oly snatch work today. Made a breakthrough on breathing was having trouble relaxing  through movement , turns out if I exhale a bit more during explosion to overhead, the bar moved more smoothly and I was able to move faster. Happy with the practice. 

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

21/22 OCT

So yesterday was 20 of each 135 thruster,burpee, pullup. Once again owned by this workout. 2 rounds plus 15 thrusters.

Today was build to a heavy single clean/pj/split jerk
Clean felt good, but really think I could of opened more. Jerk was good at 255 but had press out at 265 got it but stopped because of form drop off.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

20 OCT

So did some more snatch work today. I was doing pulls first, which went great, but for some reason I continue to cut my snatch pull short when I do the full movement. Need to continue to work on this, with some drills and form work. It is frustrating for me knowing that there is much more in the tank.

Friday, October 19, 2012


So today  was DL 3,2,1 X 2. Weights I used were 350,400,425 then 400,425,440.  Felt like I stayed within myself, no missed reps and good strength work. Followed by EROM HSPU amrap in 10 mins only got 18. not great but happy as first time attempted in awhile.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012


So was doing snatch form work today. Worked up to a 175 power snatch then dropped back down again for more form work. Really felt like was starting to really get some speed and opening up on 2nd pull on these 2 position snatch. This is only 60KG but was happy with the for on this.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

OCT 16

So took Army  PT test today. 80 UB push-ups in 90 seconds, chest touch ground. 80 sit-ups in 100 seconds, and 2 miles on 13:10. Felt smooth and consistent on the run but slower then I would have liked. I really did not warm up, as I had to go straight from work. Onward!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

14 OCT

So today was AMRAP 20 min of 30 double under,10 pistols,5 HSPU, 3 muscle up. I got 5 rounds and 8 pistols. The double unders were great, almost all UB. The pistols were the limiter here. I for some reason have trouble with them on the right side, I have practiced and I think I have may have had a breakthrough today on the last few sets. I try and really feel the movement on my WHOLE foot, as during different parts of the squat appear to need more support during different parts. I also try and tighten my core, right before dropping and push my ass back. The last 2 sets this really helped. Still fell a couple times, but was stringing them together. Also really wanted to go right then left as most workouts require you to alternate in comps. The muscle ups felt good, I am still working on the no false grip, but 4 of the sets were all UB. The HSPU were also good, had a little trot to get from the tree where I was doing MU to the wall, but that was not limiting. Overall happy with this workout as 3 of the 4 movements, I struggle with in workouts.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


So today was snatch technique work, which I really focused on three position snatch, keeping chest up and getting weight into pocket, and fully extending as well trying not to over think the lift and making it choppy. Overall a great session. This was followed by 7 sets of 20 seconds of 255 dead lift,
Thruster with 30lb dumbells, and prowler push of 140. The deadliest felt great, thrusters felt smooth but felt owned by the prowler.
Rounds were
1- 15/10/20 meters
2- 17/9/25 meters
3- 15/11/20 meters
4- 10/9/10 meters ( my daughter tried to help w/ dead lifts at a real bad time so had to stop for a second, and scooch her along:) she is the one on the scooter in the video
5- 16/10/25
6- 16/10/20
7- 12/9/20

Thursday, October 11, 2012

11 OCT

So today was Oly work focussing on power cleans and jerk work getting under the bar.
Key notes from this session were
- Brush the bar higher on the thighs ensuring opening all the way on the 2nd pull
-Not allowing the ass to come up by overthinking it and try to remain smooth
- For the jerk work focussed on a straight bar path, started to look up a bit because I was moving the bar around my head
-Just prior to jerking I relaxed my shoulders tightened my core and dipped straight down and got under the bar vs. just falling forward.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

10 OCT

So today was 1 1/4 squats. 7,5,3,1,7 Weight were 225,245,265.275,225 respectively.  Felt unstable in beginning but really felt good on last set of 7. After watching video could have had better depth.
Next set was weighted pullup cluster 1,1,1,1,1 X 4 sets. Weights were 45-65. Felt strong throughout.

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


So today was
5- 375
2-missed (tried 450,445,435)
1-missed (could not even get 425 again so called it)
Not real happy with these numbers as my 1 RM is about 490. But strength is earned not given and been doing a great deal of tech work so should not expect big numbers.

Monday, October 8, 2012


40 wall ball
30kbs 1.5 pood
20 burpees
10 ring dips.
Took 30:11. Was still in trailer park and Albuquerque is at 6K feet elevation. Felt like I was breathing through a straw. Enough excuses! Onward....

6 October

Did "Nate"
AMRAP 20 min
2 muscle up
Only did 10 rounds was in a trailer park in Albuquerque, NM. So conditions were not great, but happy to get the muscle up and HSPU work in.

Thursday, October 4, 2012


A. 1 1/4 front squat 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1; rest 2 min 
Worked up to 275. Felt solid in bottom

B. Good morning @32x1, 5, 5, 3, 3; rest 2 min
New to these will need some practice only 135

C. Behind the neck push press 3, 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
Worked up to 215. Felt solid on last set

D. Close grip bench press 3, 2, 1; rest 2 min
Worked up to 265, that's 20lb below my PR. So happy with that after all the shoulder work.
Followed this in the PM with OLY work. No vids because time was short. But worked squat/power snatch work with different positions with 115-135.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


So today was 5 rounds of 1000 meter row, 15 thruster at 75, 15 Burpees and 15 pull-ups. So failed to recognize that this was gonna be a 5k row which equals 17-20 mins of rowing no matter what. I turned the clock off on the third set and just grinded it out. The thrusters felt real food in the bottom after all the clean work yesterday. Mentally tough workout, glad to finish it.


So today did oly work. Did clean and jerk work. Really focused on brushing the weight against thighs on way up as well as opening up. Spent a few seats jerking the weight and holding it stabilized in OH position on split. Found 115 is actually harder to stabalize in split then I had thought. Overall great training session.

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

30 sept

Was in a trailer park but they had a nice little gym. So did muscle up sub of a strict pull-up and a ring dip x 5, followed by 10 pistols, and 20 double unders. 5 rounds. Then one arm rows at 50lb, 15 on each arm for 3 sets. Then 50lb dumbbell squats, one in each hand x 15 for 3 sets. No barbell so had to make do.  Was glad to get this in.


So today I was on road to pick up my new RV. Took my 2 pood KB and knocked out a quick 13-1 burpeee ladder. Not optimal but better then nothing. Met with Oly coach yesterday, looking forward to developing my lifts under this close watchful eye.

Thursday, September 27, 2012

27 sept

So today was 20 min snatch work. 7PJ then 35 AD x 5 rounds. This was 165 lb. sets were 145-175lb with AD cals between 29-19. Felt strong but end was a bit to heavy to keep it TnG. 

Then 7 DL and 35 secs AD. 5 rounds for time. Weights were 315-355. AD cals were between 19-23. Felt strong on DL.

Wednesday, September 26, 2012


So been on busy with new baby. Will be back to posting soon. Here is some light snatch work.

Friday, August 17, 2012

12 Aug

A. Snatch grip DL @31x1, 5, 5, 5; rest 2 min
B. Behind the neck push press 5, 5, 5; rest 2 min
C1. Back extensions 20 unbroken x3; rest 1 min
C2. Amrap ring dips in 90 seconds x3; rest 1 min

Saturday, August 11, 2012

11 August

So this morning did Nicole. 20 min AMRAP 400 meter run then AMRAP UB pullups. I did 95 reps,did 20 reps first time then 15's after that. Goal was to stay 20. Maybe next time shoot for 17. The 400's were around 1:40.

Also high rep light snatch work and OHS 3x3. 185-195-205

Friday, August 10, 2012

10 Aug

So today was
20 min oly tech work on your own
10 KBS 2 pood
5 burpees AFAP

Sprint 100m AFAP
Rest 2:00
Rest 5 min
(10 total sets)

Been busy this week felt good to get back in saddle. Did the 10 arts as a warmup then the 20 min of oly work was. Shoulder and hip mobility, followed by 2 Sn. Push Prss/2 OHS/2 sots press all at 65 lb. felt good in bottom of sots and OHS, trying to make it feel natural. So I can't get it wrong.

Wednesday, August 1, 2012


10 min Snatch balance tech work
5 TnG push jerk
Airdyne sprint 30 seconds @95%
Rest 2:30
5 TnG DL
Airdyne sprint 30 seconds @95%
Rest 2:30
So for Snatch work did. S. PP/OHS/Sotts Press 2 each X 4 sets. Felt good in the bottom on Sotts for the first time ever. Then did about 20 light snatch balance.

The PJ/AD. Felt great today. The weights used were 145-175. Feel like getting under the bar better each time. 175 felt smooth. I bet could have gone a touch heavier, but really wanted to stay touch and go. Cals on AD were between 20-24 each set.

 The DL/AD also felt good. Weights were 325-355. I was happy with the TnG DL @ 355. Also could have gone a bit heavier. But really wanted to stay true to the TnG. Cals were again 20-24 on AD.


A1. Front squat 5, 5, 5; rest 10 seconds
A2. 5 high box jumps x3; rest 3 minB1. Push jerk 3, 3, 3; rest 10 seconds
B2. 10 burpees AFAP x3; rest 2 min

Monday, July 30, 2012


A. Deadlift 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
B. Strict press 5, 5, 5; rest 2 min
C. Death by chin ups (1 on first minute, 2 on 2nd, etc)

5 rounds for time:
20 unbroken wall balls
20 unbroken 2 pood KBS
20 unbroken double unders


So today wasAM
A. Snatch balance 2 reps on the minute for 20 minute (50-60% 1rm, perfect form!)
B. Hang squat snatch 2 reps on the minute for 20 min (50-65% 1rm,
perfect and fast)
C. OHS 5, 5, 5; rest 2 min

10 min amrap @90%
Run 400m
10 burpees
Rest 5 min
10 min amrap @90%
Row 500m
30 double unders
Rest 5 min
10 min amrap @90%
Airdyne 30 calories
10 box jumps 24"

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

25 July

500 meter TT. 1:27:07. Pretty happy with that. 2 second PR. Sorry nothing more to add.


So today was drop snatch build to a tough 1 rep. OHS 3,2,1. PC and PJ 1/3. So once again I got to heavy on the drop snatch went all the way to 175 and then watched video realizing that I was not "dropping" again. Discussed it with coach and realized that a suitable goal would be 135 in like 2 months. That really put things in perspective. The OHS I did not get the first and last vids. But the 2 rep was 205. The PC/PJ was 205. Need to focus on the dip and being on my heels. Other then that really happy.

Monday, July 23, 2012


So catching up on workouts that I missed, tried to catch to benchmarks today.
1) 1 RM PC, felt terrible. Just did not feel strong or smooth, cut it off at 220, because form was really sucking.
2) Diane (strict) - Was actually happy here. Took me around 11 minutes but have never done 45 strict HSPU so was happy to complete that.

Saturday, July 21, 2012


So my son Aiden John Gainok was born yesterday @ 0930. So this week has been super busy and I have missed a ton of workouts, but cannot complain one bit my new son is amazing and my beautiful wife safely delivered him to the world. So I had a little bit of time today when the whole house was asleep to sneak 30 minutes in. So I looked over the workouts that I missed and tried to pick key benchmarks. I chose 1RM snatch and Jerk.
Snatch. So I really wanted to get this right as this is my Kryptonite. I stopped at 175, I think I have more in me however, I watched the vids and my ass is still comin up. So the directions were a perfect rep and that is not going to go away with more weight. I do fell like I have made a significant improvement as 175 felt was less of struggle then when I 1RM it last time.
Jerk. I only hit this one twice @ 245 I started to not lock out and as I said before that does not go away with more weight. I do feel like I got under the bar better then before, but still a long way to go. 

Tuesday, July 17, 2012


So today was
A. Behind the neck snatch grip push jerk 2, 2, 1, 1; rest 2:30
B. Drop snatch 2, 2, 2; rest 2:30
C1. Hang power clean 2, 2, 2; rest 10 seconds (from HIGH hips start)
C2. 3 Squat jumps to high box x3; rest 3 min
Behind neck snatch grip, I went lighter but I think I need to go a bit lighter. Still really not getting underneath the bar like I would like.

Was happier with the drop snatch actually got under the bar, with 115. Not heavy by any stretch but still need to drop faster.

The HPC BJ combo felt great, used 205 for last set and felt like I was really keeping arms straight. 

Monday, July 16, 2012


A. Snatch high pulls 1, 1, 1, 1, 1; rest 2:30
B1. Front squat with chains 2, 2, 2; rest 10 seconds
B2. 2 high box jumps x3; rest 3 min
C. 30 muscle ups for time (must be performed as singles, drop off the
rings after each rep)

5 rounds for time
Run 400m
15 OHS 95#