Monday, November 26, 2012

19-25 Nov

So been super busy with the holiday and work, headed to Disney and San Diego in RV, so gonna briefly catch up on all workouts.

1) 1000 meter row 3:12 PR
2) 10 min AD 288 cal PR
3) 200 meter run 15 burpee box jumps 3RFT. 8:00. ( was on treadmill and had to restart every 200)
4) 135 Thruster 20, burpee 20, pullups 20 AMRAP 20 mins. 3 rounds 3 thruster. PR

Have video of AD and thruster wod. IF you need them coach. The RV park WIFI is super slow so can post them next week if needed. Plan to do some oly work today and will film and post that as those are real short. Onward.

Sunday, November 18, 2012


So got up in early in the am and knocked out Karen, about 1 minute slower then I anticipated, but was feeling flat today, rough night with kids and something had me puking at 2am, thankfully it passed and I was happy to get it in. This was one of those days when I was gonna get after it and be done.


So today was Clean work followed by 135 X 30 reps. Was really happy, Prd on all my lifts.

PC was 260 (+20lb PR) Felt really smooth, really did not focus on the weight or the lift, I have been told I give it to much thought and slow the lift down. Tried to avoid that.
Next lift was full clean, hit 270 (+15lb PR). Still feeling great. After that I think I started to overthink it and could not get any more weight increases. Watching the video I know that I have more in me.
Then C/J work also made a PR of 255. Happy with that.
Followed that with Grace. Time on video was 2:59. I give myself a 30 second penalty as I only count 26 reps. I have done this workout in low 2 minutes, I was happy with the form though as I usually just pull with my arms and muscle it up, I had a few reps of that style as fatigue set in, but tried to avoid.
Overall really happy with the day, I feel like my Oly lifts are coming along.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


So did Isabelle today. 135 snatch 30 reps for time.Was not real happy with time, but was really focusing on getting every rep looking good.


So today was 1RM max work. Goal was 1RM power followed by squat snatch. Was unable to actually get under the bar. So ended up with a 195 power snatch. I stopped at this weight because ass started shooting up.

12 nov

So did oly form work today.


So today was Fat Fran 21-15-9 Thruster Pullup with 135 took 8:25
Felt good. Was happy to stay UB on first 21 thrusters.

Saturday, November 10, 2012


So today was snatch work. Did form work followed by full snatch @ 135 x 2  on the 45 seconds for 12 sets. Felt a little slow, last week I used 150 but had to drop down a bit as form was not as smooth as last week.

Later on today I plan to do 5RFT of run 200 meters, 15 snatch at 75, 30 double unders.


So today was Back Squat 3 sets of 5, at a controlled pace 32X1. Used 315 felt strong but I think tempo was a bit fast. Had to hit it at work as time was short.
Followed this with weighted pullup cluster 3,3,3 with 30 seconds rest x 5 stes Used 30 lbs, last cluster was tough, but felt strong throughout.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


So today was Snatch Grip DL 5,4,3,2,1 followed by a couplet of weighted dips and Parallete HSPU. The snatch grip DL felt great worked from 265-385. Could have gone a bit heavier but felt like I was starting to let my ass rise up before my chest, so stopped and tried to maintain form.
The dip/paralette hspu owned me. I spent about 20 minutes just practicing the kip and trying to get the depth I needed. I ended up stacking up the plates so I had about a 3 inch deficit, and was still only getting about 2-3 reps in the 60 second time period. My left shoulder was starting to get pissed so I called it after 3 sets. Got some work to do here.


Today was 10 RFT 5 T2B, 10 KBS @ 55, 15 PP at 65. TT was 12;25. Goal was to stay UB on all movements wich I did as well as control breathing to avoid getting to gassed. Was able to do that up until the last round. Goal was to stay under 10 minutes, missed that mark, but I believe it can be achieved.


So today was 750 row (subbed 600 meter run_camping w/ no rower). 40 thruster @ 65lb, and 20 pullups 2 rounds for time. Run felt solid, and thruster were all UB. Pulups felt off, not real smooth. Total time was 10:26. Overall happy as metcon appears to be improving.

Monday, November 5, 2012

3 Nov

So I did Dian today. Did it in 8:52 still along way to go but was happy with this as it was a 4 minute PR. Starting to get the HSPU kip down.

2 Nov

So today was snatch work. Starting to get better on form. This is the 8th set of 2 snatch with 150. Work set was 12 sets of 2 @ 150 every 45 seconds.

1 Nov

So today was clean work. Felt like I am starting to get the feel of a good lift down. Here is 225 X 5 from the hang.