Monday, December 31, 2012


So today was 21-15-9 ROW and AD for Cals.
Time was 3:36. Felt like held a good pace. Should have turned up the rower for faster cals. Ready to relax with the family. Excited about the new year.

Sunday, December 30, 2012


So today was 

Row 1000 then 50 BJ at 26 inches. TIme was 6;10. Row was 1:36 avg 500 happy with that. BJ were slow and painful. Think I amy have hot the row to hard. Tried to spend minimal time on the ground.
Then 21-15-9 KBS at 1.5 pood and wallballs. Time was 3:10. Happy with that, all UB. 

Saturday, December 29, 2012


A. Squat clean thruster; build to a max (must be in 1 motion)

Was only able to get 225 today. 1rm is 235 a few months ago. In competition. Was having trouble in the bottom of the catch getting the right hand position to powers straight up to overhead. Just hand position felt off.

B. Amrap squat clean thrusters in 8 min @90% of A

Used 205 and only got 3. Had no problem cleaning the weight. It was getting my hand position just right.


3 rounds for time:

50 meter farmers walk 2 pood

3 rope climbs

Farmers walk as prescribed. Do not have a rope so used a towel over the pull-up up bar. I figured 1 pull up for every foot of rope. So figured 15x3 = 45 feet per set. So 45 towel pull-ups per set. Broke them down into 9 sets of 5. Biceps were screaming.




A. Deficit deadlift from platform 1-3", 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min

Used 245 which is about 50% of 1rm on top of 45lb bumper plates, about 3 inches. Focused on speed of movement, getting into position, and controlling the bar down.

B. Push press 6-8x5; rest 2 min

Used 95-175 felt smooth.

C1. KBS 20 unbroken 2 pood x4; rest 1 min

Smooth and UB, good hip extension,

C2. HSPU; amrap unbroken x4; rest 1 min

Finally getting the hang of the kip HSPU. Only strung together about 10-12 but happy with the progress.



A. Power clean 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1; rest 3 min (perform 30 unbroken double unders before each attempt)

B. Weighted chin up 2, 2, 2; rest 2 min.So PC were between 225-250 felt fast. Was happy to keep form while gassed. Here is 250 for a triple.

Power clean 205# And Muscle ups
5:20. Felt like kip is coming along. 

Monday, December 24, 2012


So today was 1 mile run/2k row/ 1 mile run. Time was 21:21. Goal was in the 20's. held a 6:30 mile for the first mile. Row was 7 flat, held a 1:45. The second run was rough had trouble getting my pace to below. Actually started to,pick up the pace after the first 800, but quickly slowed to a pace above 7:15.

Sunday, December 23, 2012


So today was supposed to be
10 BJ @ 24 inches 5 min amrap
AD cals /power snatch @ 75lb

My right shoulder was pissed from day prior. So spent an hour doing mob work and rolling out instead.

Saturday, December 22, 2012


So today was
Deadly Gauntlet 3 rep TnG start at 315 increase 15 pounds on the minute. Made it to 405
Then the next part should be named Jeff Kryptomite.
50 TGU at 52lb
25 wall walks
15 HSPU 40:30
TGU were really hard in the beginning, got significantly faster as I began to punch up and stabilize better.
Wall walks just sucked after TGU
The HSPU actually felt good at the end. 3 sets of 5 and done. I think I can do this a a lot faster now that I have the groove for TGU.

Friday, December 21, 2012


So today was
BS 5X3 - Stayed light as hit a heavy 1RM Clean of 287 yesterday. So did not want to push it.
A1- Backward Lunge alt legs X 20. Used 30lb dumbells. Can go heavier next time and still maintain form.
A-2 20 UB Pullups. 1st set was UB. Then grip started failing so had to break it up. Will continue to work this.
T2B 15 x 4 UB. These were really challenging as grip was gone from pullups. Core felt strong, just had trouble hanging on.

Tuesday, December 18, 2012

8-18 December

So this is a huge gap.Gonna try and catch this back up.
8 December
PC TnG 5,5,3,3 paired with hspu 4x20
Did 185-240 and competed all hspu.Smoked by hspu, PCM felt great.

FS 225 paired with strict ring dips. 5:40

Row 500
50 wallball
Row 250
50 box jumps 7 min flat. BJ felt slow

4 min amrap
50 double unders
10 burpees 3 rounds even

10 Dec
3k run

1 1/4 Back squat 5 sets of 3 185-265
Thruster 15 UB 95-135 paired with 15 UB pull-ups

30 muscle up for time 11:20

14 Dec
Back Squat 3 sets of 5 315-355
Snatch Balance 4 sets of 3 115-155 paired with weighted chin up 5,5,3,3 25-45lb

Deadlift start at 315 increase 15lb every min until failure. 465

Diane 21-15-9 225 deadlift/hspu

16Dec 1k run

10 min max double under

Saturday, December 8, 2012


So couple days behind as usual. So last couple days Worked some touch and go power cleans with 185-225.
Then did clean doubles paired with ring dips and pullups. Hit 260 for a double in a workout so was happy with that.

Then did some oly work this am followed by FS at 225 ring dip couplet.
Also hit some drop snatches at 160. need to not ride these down so much.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

4 December

So today was 30 thruster at 95 followed by a 500 meter row. End of October I did this in 2:50, this AM was 2:40, pretty happy with this, still not runnin with the big dawgs yet, but gettin there!

3 December

Been out on the road last week so posts have been lagging, been hittin hard on the road though. So back home yesterday and did a 2k time trial. 7:00 flat. Goal is sub 6:50, will get that!!!