Thursday, February 14, 2013


So once again little bit of catchup.
Did squat cleans worked to 255 wanted to stay fresh for the 1 rep PS work tommorow
CTB Chin ups UB X3 sets (-3) -  did 15/20/15. Felt strong on these today
1min AMRAP Wallballs followed by 1 min amrap T2B X 5 sets - was happy made goal of getting 30 reps on all wallballs, T2B were 18-12.

1RM power snatch 185-200(PR) was not real happy with the form on the 200PS but got it up will continue to grow and develop with OLY Coach
1RM PJ 260 - stopped here because form started to falter.
Crossfit 12.2 - Really sucked here on this. Got 11 less reps than last year. After discussion with James realized I was focusing to much on form and not TnG the 135 reps. Ass to low, will continue to develop this skill

Crossfit 12.1 - Got 100 reps alone and in the garage. Got 108 during comp. This workout is just mentally tough for me, but I know that I can perform better when the heat is on.

2K row for time - Rowed a 1:42 500 pace so 6:48 total, I know I can go 1:40 or better.

5K row. Rowed a 1:45 pace so 17:38 total. Pretty stoked with this.

1RM Back Squat hit 380, think there is a 390-400 wanted this for a while.
Weighted chin up 1RM - 130 lbs.

Crossfit 12.4 150WB/90DU/30MU
Got my same score as last year, alone in the park. I know that if I did this in comp would be much better. The wallballs were 30X2, then 20's, then last 5 sets of 10. Should have gone to 15's sooner. The double unders were 30X3 UB, 45X2 would have been doable without destroying myself. The MU were more mental then anything, I hit them with 3 min to go, should have been able to do at least 4 on the minute. Ended up doing singles and just making 9.

Wednesday, February 6, 2013


1 1/4 FS 5 sets of 3. Hit 135-255. Really tried to focus on form. This is last set of 255
Followed this with HSC @ 185lb 1-3 ladder UB max reps in 6 min. Made 4 sets. Focused on form and really getting under the bar. This is the 4th set.


run 5K for time
21:15 avg pace 6:52, ang HR 168. Really happy with this time.

Monday, February 4, 2013

3 FEB2013

So did oly work this am with coach. Focused on snatching from high blocks and really getting under the bar after opening up the hips. Was happy to finnaly get the understanding of the first movement off the blocks is coming from the hips. Went up to 155.

Hit this in the afternoon.
For max reps:
2 min toes to bar - 30
2 min double unders -140
2 min KBS 2 pood -30
2 min burpees -30
2 min airdyne for cals -65

Really no warm up, just had to go and get after it as time was short.

2 Feb2013

A. Build to a 3rm deadlift
B. Bench press 5, 5, 5; rest 2 min

 3 RM deadlift was 455, felt good. 
Bench press felt challenging. Only went up to 205, been a while since I benched.


A. Squat clean 2, 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 2 min
B. 45 muscle ups for time

Hit 255 for a double, muscle ups were a mental challenge. Hit 30 in 8 flat (3 min PR) but the last 15 took 10 minutes. Was pretty close to on the minute, did not fail a rep, that was the goal for me.