Saturday, June 30, 2012


So today was
A. Squat clean from blocks (high hips start) 3 reps x16 sets; rest 1
min (50-70% loads, focus on speed and mechanics from the hip)
B. Paused at the HIP power cleans 5, 5, 5; rest 2 min
C. Split jerk 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 3 min
Really wanted to focus on getting the bar into the hips on the squat cleans off the blocks(hitting the balls). Weight was light 115 but was really trying to get under the bar fast. 
The pause at the hip was also light really wanted to get under the bar, sorry about the lighting, getting used to using  my Iphone for vids. 

On the split jerk really tried to focus on "STICKING IT" once I was under the bar do not drop anymore. Weights were light 135-185. 

5 min amrap @85%
20 double unders
10 OHS 95#
5 ghd sit ups
Really was happy with OHS, I think I need to develop some more flexibility with these though.

Rest 2 min
5 min row @85%
Rest 2 min
5 min amrap @85%
20 meter farmers walk 2 pood KBS
10 box jumps 20"
The farmers walk was fast but had a hard time getting a rhythm on the box jumps at first since the box was one of those squishy ones. Towards the end I started to move a little faster on these. 
Rest 2 min
5 min airdyne @85%

Friday, June 29, 2012

28/29 June

Standing triple jump practice 15 min
A. 3 position squat cleans (top down) 2, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1; rest 2 min
5 TnG hang power clean
Sprint 100m @100%
Rest 2:30
5 TnG hang power snatch
Row sprint 150m @100%
Rest 2:30
Trying to really focus on keeping army straight, and exploding up and getting under the weight, fast. Trying to make sure form is good. 
A. 3 muscle ups on the minute for 15 min (stop if you fail)
Hurdle work on track (bound over hurdles 5 in a row, rest 1+ min x10 sets)
From push up position 30 meter sprints @100% effort; rest 1:30 bw sets x12
The muscle up work was better then usual. Was not exactly on the minute, I was doing the drills prior to each set. Goals were big swing and hips to rings, high knees to rings so kip is prepped, for top, and no false grip. 
The hurdle were only 24 inches each and as you can see I had trouble with those, goal is to get those over 36 inches, pretty uncoordinated. Excited to practice these. 
The sprints were good, really need to work on explosiveness for these, they were around 6-7 seconds each. 

Tuesday, June 26, 2012


So today was
A. Snatch balance; build to a tough single
B. Paused above the knee power snatch 2, 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 3 min
C. OHS; build to a 15 rep max

After talking with coach, I have realized my destiny is to work with only the bar and super minimal weight on oly work until I unfcuck my form. So my notice that I am only using the bar or 65lbs. I still need to drop lower on my snatch balance and really get under the bar, but improvement will come, I would rather do this now, then be disappointed in 7 months, when I am still muscling the weight and have made no gains.
The OHS weight was 135 for 14, was supposed to be 15 but I suck at counting. The OHS felt great, I think I could have gone 10-20 lbs heavier. I also spent about 20 mins warming up hips and shoulders so I could really drop and not be tight. 

Monday, June 25, 2012


A. Back squat @42x1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 2 min
B. Hang squat clean 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2; rest 2 min
5 rounds for time:
10 shoulder to OH 185#
50 double unders
This was really hard I thought 185 was going to be lighter then it was. I ended up having to call this one early because, I had to be at hospital. I did 3 rounds and it took me around 14 minutes to do it. Was planning on doing the last two sets here at hospital but was called away. by the pager. So the HSC felt really good, I got up to 195, was really happy with that. The BS were 225-275, had to use the smith machine because thats what we have to work with, but felt really smooth and strong in the bottom. 


A. Tall jerk 3, 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 90 seconds
B. Snatch balance 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 2 min
Close grip bench press 3, 2, 1; rest 2:30
So on the Tall Jerk I was trying to really focus on getting underneath the bar and not pressing out. The weight were 65-85, really trying to focus on that speed. The snatch balance still needs work, felt slow and not really loose. Going to put together a stretch and good warmup for shoulders and legs to get that good drop into the bottom and not ride it down.
The close grip bench press was 225,235,and 245. Felt like good weights and movement  felt strong. 
4 min amrap @85%
Run 200m
5 burpee pull ups
Rest 3min
4 min amrap @85%
Row 100m
7 chin ups
Rest 3 min
4 min amrap @85%
Airdyne 10 calories
20 double unders
Rest 3 min
4 min amrap @85%
Run 200m
10 hand release push ups
Rest 3 min
4 min amrap @85%
Row 100m
5 burpee broad jumps
The first couplet of Run/Burpee Pullups. I got 3 rounds and 82 meters. AVG HR was 156
The second couplet of Row/Chinup was 5 rounds and 3 pullups with an avg HR of 148. Had a hard time really getting my HR up.
The third couplet of AD/DU I got 6 rounds and 8 DU with an AVG HR of 154.
The fourth couplet of Run/PU I got 3 rounds and 113 meters with an AVG HR 152
The fifth couplet of Row/Burpee Broad Jump 4 rounds and 30 meters AVG HR 152

All the couplets were taxing, but the AD/DU combo I felt taxed the whole time. 


A. 3 muscle ups on the minute for 12 min (stop if you fail)
B. HS walking practice 10 min
Hurdle work on track (bound over hurdles 5 in a row, rest 1+ min x8 sets)
5-10-5 shuttle run (nfl combine test) runs x10; rest 1:30 bw attempts
Muscle up work was bad today. Only got 5 rounds and was hoping for 8. I think I am going to work on doing these with less of a false grip so I can consistently get multiples. Sorry no video. Laptop crapped out at the park and there were no outlets in the grass:) 
The HS walk is painful as usual, looking at a few vids on the net. I know this is a skill that will come with patience and practice. 
Still no hurdles, ordered 5 2 footers from rogue, should be here Monday, excited about starting to use these as I fell like a huge D-Bag hopping up and down the basketball court. However, I know my vertical is improving because when this was all done I walked over to the hoop and easily touched it. Now I am not ready for the NBA but felt pretty awesome. 
The 5-10-5 Drill was also new to me, on the net looked like football guys were doing it so I tried to copy them. I did not get my times but I know those NFL beasts would have eaten my lunch. Something else to develop. 


Warm up 15 min, bounding on one leg practice.
A. 3 position squat cleans (top down) 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2; rest 2 min
5 TnG hang power clean
Sprint 100m @100%
Rest 2:30
5 TnG hang power snatch
Row sprint 150m @100%
Rest 2:30
So I am getting better at the bounding on one leg. Still feels weird but better. No video for the squat cleans as these were done on a lunch break here at the hospital and just ran down to the hospital gym. Used only 95 lbs and really tried to focus on form. 
On the PC used up 135-155. Really tried to focus on speed and keeping the arms straight and getting under the bar. Felt like form was dropping off at 155 so stopped there. Watching videos arm apear to be stinn bending a bit early and I need to get under the bar more. 


A. Snatch balance 3, 3, 3; rest 3 min
B. Paused above the knee power snatch 3, 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 3 min
OHS @32x1, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5; rest 2 min
So with some advice from Oly coach stripped the weight way down and really wanted to get technique right. So for snatch balance only used 65lbs, humblling but gonna check the ego at the door. Sectional start in 7 months (Feb) so no time to waste. 
 Here is a summary of what I am gonna work on for Oly.
- The power position.  Your knees will be SLIGHTLY bent (almost no bend) and your torso will be COMPLETELY vertical. Straight arms  at this point and if you bend them too early, you will lose power = press out.
No Press outs!  If you are pressing the weight out in technical sessions it is WAY too heavy.  Your speed-strength is not that developed so you have to be ok with your ego to do skill work with light loads so you can make the bar travel fast and into the correct position.   
a- it creates poor neural patterns and 
b- it isn’t correct.
At the knee.  Your shoulders should be "over the bar" and your tension should be in your posterior chain.  If you are "sitting into a squat" you will not be able to explode up unless you pull it's the sequencing that is causing you difficulty. 
Thanks Max I put this on here so I can read it before each session to burn these points in. 
 The OHS was between 65-145. Liked the way this feel looking forward to the 15 RM effort, would like to put up around 155-185 range

Monday, June 18, 2012


So today was
A. Back squat @42x1, 5, 3, 1, 5, 3, 1; rest 2 min
B. Thruster 2, 2, 2; rest 2 min
C. Hang squat clean 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
5 rounds for time:
10 DL 315#
5 muscle ups

On the BS I was really trying to work the 42X1, so I downloaded a metronome AP for my Iphone and set it to beep at 60BPM and just tried to follow the beep, seemed to work pretty well. Weights used were 185,255,305 then 255,275,315. That tempo is much harder then regular squats however I really feel more powerful in the bottom on the thrusters and driving out the bottom. 
The thruster weights 185,200,210. I think I can go heavier on the doubles next time. 
The hang squat cleans were super light, tried to really focus on speed. 

The PM workout of DL and Muscle UP was challenging. Really tried  to work on kip at top of Muscle UP, will take time to get the timing/control down. First time I really tried to kip, lost it and almost busted my ass. I was happy to be stringing 2-3 together at at time. These will get better. Total time was 18:25. I know that I can cut this down by 3-5 minutes if I stay focused on doing sets of 5 on DL and going UB on muscle up sets. 


So today was
A. Tall jerk 4, 4, 4, 4; rest 90 seconds
B. Snatch balance 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
Weighted dip 3, 2, 1, 3, 2, 1; rest 3 min

4 min amrap @85%
Run 200m
5 burpees
Rest 3min
4 min amrap @85%
Row 100m
5 CTB chin ups
Rest 5 min
x2 (2 times through both)

So tried to focus on speed on the Tall Jerks only used 95lbs. On the snatch I went to heavy, got the focus points after workout so will apply them on next snatch technique work. The weighted dips were done on rings because did not have time to go to gym for dip bar, ordered one from Rogue so should not be a further issue. Weights were 45-75. Did not like the feeling of doing those on rings, wanted to go heavier but had trouble stabilizing with added weight.
The evening metcon session was harder then I thought. I felt like I was coming full circle  with my training as an athlete. I used to use my HRM without fail as a triathlete then when I started doing crossfit took it off and adopted the concept of “go hard all the time”. Well I dusted it off and tried to mantain an 85% effort. So for me as a 36 y/o male I did the quick 220 -age and got 184 as a estimated max HR. So 85% was a 160 avg. 
The 1st Run/Burpee was trying to hold 1:00 for 200 and burpee, held it for first 2 and then slipped off the pace. Ended up getting 3 rounds plus a 200. AVG HR 160
The 1st Row/CTB I got 4 rounds and 50 meters AVG HR 157
The 2nd Run/Burpee I got 3 rounds and 100 meters. AVG HR 163
The 2nd Row/CTB 4 rounds + 1 CTB. AVG HR 156

Friday, June 15, 2012


So today was
A. 3 muscle ups on the minute for 10 min (stop if you fail)
B. HS walking practice 10 min
Hurdle work on track (bound over hurdles 5 in a row, rest 1+ min x6 sets)
Acceleration work; flying 30 meter sprints; rest 1 min x10 sets

The muscle ups have always been a vice, I usually end up shiting the bed around 20-24. today was 23. I really thought my kip became more profound as I got more tired, I think I need to start with a bigger kip to delay the onset of fatigue, also wear something with sleeves to avoid arm-burn from the straps.

The HS walk was awful, I really need help with progression for these. I basically get up then fall down, at the end I was basically just doing kick ups in sets of 5. 

The hurdles I do not have yet, I just did sets of high jumps, I plan to make some out of PVC as I cannot seem to find any here on the local high school tracks.

The acceleration work was fun, the 30's were anywhere from 4-7 seconds, I think I will do these outside next time because coming to an abrupt stop was kind of difficult, and I nailed this guy on like the 4th one because he was like a deer in the headlights....

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

13 June Oly and Oly Couplet

So today was

Warm up 15 min, bounding on one leg practice.  5 continuous jumps oneach side x5 sets each (rest a minimum of 1 min bw sets)
A. 3 position squat cleans (top down) 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
B. 5 TnG hang power clean then Sprint 100m @100% Rest 2:30 x 3
C. 5 TnG hang power snatch Row sprint 150m @100% Rest 2:30 x3

So was happy with the squat clean felt like I am finally starting to actually getting under the bar. the weights were light 95-135. May have gone a little to heavy with the high rep, really want to focus on form but wanted to also see if as the weights got heavier that my form would start to deteriorate, and was happy that it did not get real bad.
Then the TnG HPC and HPS. Had to do run on both couplets since did not have my rower, I used a basketball court and ran around 2.5 times, times were around 1 minute to 1:10. The HSC were at 155 and the snatches went from 115-135. Also felt like I was getting under the bar on the snatch more then I used to. 

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

12June Oly Work

So today was
A. Snatch balance 5, 5, 5, 5, 5; rest 3 min
B. 3 Position power snatch 5, 5, 5, 5, 5; rest 3 min
C. Hang squat snatch (high hang) 5, 5, 5, 5, 5; rest 3 min

I am really excited about the oly work as this has been a weakness for a while. I feel like I am riding my snatch balance down and need to focus on dropping. Also on the 3 position snatch I had real hard time from the high hang, I do not know if I wasn't opening my hips enough or what. I also realized that I started of way to heavy for 5X5 when each set contains three snatches, that high rep is what is going to get me there.

Monday, June 11, 2012

June 10 Back Squat/Thruster and KBS/Ring Dip

So today was
A. Back squat @42x1, 6, 4, 2, 6, 4, 2; rest 2 min
B. Thruster 5, 4, 3, 2, 1; rest 2 min

KBS 2 pood
Ring dips

When I was doing the squat work I started off really light 185, which is way below max, I wanted to focus on the tempo of the 42x1, and I think I still was to fast after watching the video. The wight I used were 185,255,285 then 255,285,305. It is going to take some getting used to, to develop the pace. The thruster work was actually enjoyable, I really like working a weakness now and the Thruster has always been crappy for me. So I did 135,185,195,205,230. I think I can go at least 10-20 pounds heavier, but the 230 was a PR for me. 

There was a 3rd portion of the workout which was a 7 minute pullup wod, but was running late for church so had to cut it short, I know God forgives me, coach may be a different story:)

The second workout was the KB/ring dip workout. I was happy with the KB swings and the but the ring dips were challenging, I was hoping to come in under 10, but unfortunately came in at 10:41. I will get this workout under 9 minutes. 

Saturday, June 9, 2012

June 9 / Run and Oly Work

So today was
A. Tall jerk 5, 5, 5, 5, 5; rest 90 seconds
B. Snatch balance 5, 5, 5, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
C. Weighted dip 5, 4, 3, 2, 1; rest 3 min

Run 10 min z1
Run 30 seconds @85% aerobic effort
Jog/walk recover 30 seconds
run 10 min z1

I switched the run to the AM since by 9am in El Paso it is usually over a 100, so I wanted to knock it out while it was not balls hot yet. So as I was heading out the door at 7, I heard a faint cry and a stir upstairs my daughter was awake and ready to tackle the day, however my wife was not, so I scooped her up and loaded her in the stroller and grabbed the dog and was ready to get after it. So total distance was around 3.5 miles and was happy to consistently hold low 6 min per mile for the intervals even pushing the +30 pounds of stroller and baby weight. 
The OLY work was humbling. I watched the videos of how to do these correctly and the beast Greg Everett was using like 90-120 lbs for both so I figured if that guy is using light weight for form then I have no excuse. Plus I have tried multiple times to work on my Oly form and failed, so I made the decision to learn it the right way for once. I liked the way these feel they really make me get under the bar, as you can see around the 4th set my slow feet caused me to take a digger.
The snatch balance has always been a be nemesis also, I have trouble getting under the bar, I think I could have dropped faster on these, and hopefully will develop more speed to improve the overall snatch technique. 

I recorded the dips on my Iphone but I cant figure out how to get the videos on my blog because I am a computer retard. But the weights were as follows
5 rep-45
4 rep -70
3 rep- 80
2 rep -85
1 rep - 90
I felt like I had a little more in me so I think I will go about 10-20lbs heavier next time around.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

Thursday 7 June

So today was
8 min amrap @85% Run 200m then 10 burpee box jumps 24"
Rest 3 min
8 min amrap @85% Row 250m then 10 thrusters 75#
Rest 3 min
8 min amrap @85%AD 20 calories then 7 toes to bar
I was excited to do this workout. I switched my workout schedule to early mornings before work since it is around 102 degrees in the afternoon when I get off work. So set the alarm and automatic coffee pot and was ready to attack the morning. It was actually really nice once I got moving though. 
So the first was couplet went well, it was nice and cool and the my street was empty. First 200’s were around 45 seconds which is right about were I wanted to be. Trying to learn my 85% pace, so I was trying to focus on not blowing up. The burpee box jumps were akward, need to try and get these more smooth. I got 4 rounds even.

The row and thruster was a nice couplet, goal was to be UB on all thrusters which was achieved but a little slower then I thought 75lbs should be. I also got 4 rounds here and an extra 400 200 meters.

The AD / T2B was actually my favorite. The calories clicked off pretty quick on the AD and the T2B felt really good, felt like I was actually getting a rhythm. Got 6.5 rounds here. 

I believe I will improve on all these numbers, trying to stay around 85% and not slack off was the goal and is harder then I thought it would be. I wanted to feel like I still had something in the tank without holding to much back. 

I had about 45 free minutes in the afternoon, I got home from work early and my daughter was still napping, those of you with kids know how awesome it is to get 45 free minutes of free time, so I wanted to get back on track as I was a day  behind. So I knocked this out real quick. I tried to use my Ipad for video, and I quickly realized that it is real hard to edit and so the videos are trying to upload right now and may or may not work. If they come out I will post them.

Bounding on one leg practice.  5 continuous jumps oneach side x5 sets each (rest a minimum of 1 min bw sets)
--This was actually harder then I thought. I was trying to find the right way to do this at first I was landing flat footed and jumping flat footed then, tried to focus on exploding off my toes. I kind of got the hang of it at the end of the 5th set of 5:)

A1. 1 1/4 front squat 5, 5, 3, 3; rest 10 secondsA2. CTB chin ups amrap (-2) x4; rest 3 min
-- So these 1 1/4 squats are new to me and since I did not know what to expect I started real light.

125/10 CTB, 195/10, 215/8, 235/8

B. Rear foot elevated barbell split squat @42x1, 10-12x3; rest 1 min bw legs
These were way harder than I had anticipated. I started off with 95 lbs and ended up just using the bar, this excites me though because I know this is working a weakness that I need to further develop myself as an athlete. Looking forward to tomorrow rest day because I know my legs are gonna be tired after this. 

Wednesday, June 6, 2012

June 5/6 1000 meter row + Max Vertical Jump/ Oly Work

So two days worth of posts here, trying to get back on track.
June 5th - 1000 meter Row 3:20 avg 1:40 per 500. I know that I can do better, would like to get that around 1:35. The max vertical jump was 20 inches this was my first try at this and I know with some practice it will come,
June 6th - Oly form work. I was really excited to start working on my awful oly form and this was the start;)
A. 3 position clean grip flat footed pulls (top down) 5, 5, 5, 5, 5
B. Hang power clean from high hang 6, 6, 6, 6, 6; rest 90 seconds
C. Snatch balance 5, 5, 5, 5, 5; rest 2 min
D. Jerk balance 5, 5, 5, 5, 5; rest 2 min

Kept it really light, want to get this shit right finally!!!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

1RM Jerk & DU / Burpee Metcon

So today was a 1RM Jerk which was 245 today, tried to 255 but failed. Would like to focus on dropping under the weight, I have jerked 280 in the past with this same style of press out, I would like to shoot for 290-300 with proper form work this year.
Following that was a short metcon that I was really looking forward to, I felt pumped before. The DU felt a bit sloppy today, I was breaking early, I tried to not less this frustrate me because I know that I can usually do sets of 60 UB for around 5 sets. I think this was because I was rushing and not focussing on staying smooth and keepin the arms close. The Burpees were more taxing then I thought burpees would be so this tells me conditioning is not where it needs to be to complete with the big dawgs, but that is what goals and training are for. Time for this workout was 5:18.

Saturday, June 2, 2012

1RM Snatch / KBS_MU

So today was 1RM full snatch and 12/8/4  Kettle Bell Snatch and Muscle up. So as usual I am extremely disappointed in my snatch form, I have not begun to work on it as I am still in testing phase so I know I have to be patient to get the results I desire. So this goatscrew of a snatch is 175, I did not drop and I pretty much shoulder pressed it out. I did not go further because I knew it would get worse with more weight. Looking forward to developing this weakness. 

Following this was the KB snatch @ 2 pood and muscle ups 12/8/4. The KB snatch took a little more out of me then I had anticipated and I had a hard time stringing the muscle up together. Final time was 11:28. I know that I can improve this by @ least 2-3 mins, by going UB on all snatches and string 4-6 MU together @  time.