Wednesday, January 30, 2013


So little catchup here. Been sick for last few days.

Hit 205 TnG on Saturday for 6 on PC. Really hard to get it going after that. Did 2 rounds of the rope climb, ohs @ 155 X 4, and parellete HSPU X 2. Then stomach bug caught up and was out of commission for next 3 days. Got after today again for the first time.

Today was
Build to a tough hang clean double from below the knees. Hit 245, bar felt like it was getting away from body on second rep. Also worked some high block snatch work with oly coach, think I may be getting the hang of these only did it with 135. Then did Karen, time was 6:42. Hoped to be in the 5's. Followed that 2 min max double unders hit 150. Was happy with that. Had planned to knock out 5 min amrap muscle up but ran out of time and wife was waiting for me to do a 2 mile run with her as I had promised last week.  Family first:) Felt happy to get back in the swing of things.

Tuesday, January 22, 2013


For time:
Run 800m
Airdyne 80 cals
Run 400m
Airdyne 40 cals
Run 200m
Airdyne 20 cals

I think I saw Jesus this AM, but he dropped me on the 2nd AD site:) holy shit coach, that was amazing. So felt great this AM after rest day with fam. Excited to hit this, good rest. 1st 800 and AD felt great. 2nd run felt terrible until about a 30 seconds in then legs loosened up. Last AD and 200 felt really great. Ran about 100 meters to far total, could not see GPS perfectly because of stoplight out. Total time was 11:57 with a avg hr of 157. Once again awesome workout. How is the pace?


For time:
200 double unders
Row 1k

So did this around 7 mins. Did first 105 DU UB, and row AVG pace was 1:39. Really had to focus and really push through to maintain pace.


A. Thruster ladder;  beginning at 135# perform 3 reps on the min until failure (add 10#/min)
B. 50 hspu for time
5 rounds for time:
10 deadlift 275#
100m farmers walk 100#

So went to 215 for a triple on thruster ladder. Hit 225 for a single but dropped the weight. Felt strong PR 1RM is 235 so happy with this for a ladder.
The 50 HSPU were challenging. Took about 6 mins, would like to get that number down under 4 for just HSPU. Especially when folks are doing Diane in under 4 mins.
The DL/Farmers walk was pretty challenging. Never lost my grip which was really happy about.


A. Squat clean from high blocks; build to a tough single.
3 rounds for time:
10 hang squat clean 135#
20 toes to bar

So only worked to 205 from hang. time was short but wanted to get a heavy clean in before working hang cleans.
So was really happy with the form on the cleans. The T2B really were challenging.

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


So today was online throwdown comp.
1st workout was on a 10 min clock. Jerk 135-15, 165-15,195-15, 225 max reps. I got through all reps except 225. After talking to coach realized I should have split my 165 instead of going UB, I overtaxed the system and never really recovered. So this is the 165-195 portion of vid.
2nd workout started 10 mins later and was 10 squat snatch at 95 followed by 10 CTB pullups amrap in 10 min. Score was 4 rounds and 6 snatches. Legs were burning from the jerks. Was happy with the form but really wanted to get into the 5th round. Here is last couple of minutes of workout.

Monday, January 14, 2013


1k row : 3:10. This is a 2 second PR. Early AM start as usual. Listened to OPT live time on Lactate, while warming up with some stretches and jump rope. Probably need to prime the pump a bit more with a few short intense sets before I hit it. Felt good until 90 seconds in. Then started to burn, mostly in quads. Really tried to focus and stay with it, control breathing and stay calm. That worked until about 2:30 seconds then I was just trying to maintain pace. Goal pace was 1:34 was on that until last 250 and pace really fell off. Onward!!

Sunday, January 13, 2013



3 min airdyne for max calories

So started off a little to strong. Watts were around 550-600 for 1st minute. Avg watts ended up being 464 with cals being 102. Tried to stay calm not tense up as the pain came around 1:00, just stays focused. More painful then I thought it was gonna be.


7 min max reps burpees (open standards)
So only got 4 more then 1st time I did this a total of 108. I know that I have at least 10-12 more in a comp with the pressure on. Shows me there is still work to be done, good to be humbled ever now and then. Onward.

Saturday, January 12, 2013


A. Back squat; build to a 20 rep max in 2 attempts

Was excited for this. Really unsure about what weight to use, after a good warmup, decided to go with 245. I think I probably have @ least 275 in me. Happy that my form did not drop off.

After this did some oly work with coach, focused on overhead work and drop snatching.

For time:
400m farmers walk 1.5 pood
200m front rack carry 135#
So goal was to stay UB and not drop the weight. Time was 4:30. Never put the weight down and just tried to keep moving. Mental toughness.

Friday, January 11, 2013


So today was

A. Deficit deadlift from platform 1-3", 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3; rest 2 min
B. Push press 4-6x5; rest 2 min
C1. KBS 25 unbroken 2 pood x4; rest 1 min
C2. HSPU; amrap unbroken x4; rest 1 min
Hit the deficit deadlifts on top of 45lb plates. Weights were 225-260, 50-60% of 1RM. Really tried to focus on speed and form.
The push press felt great. Started off at 115 and went to 225 for 5 sets of 5. Failed on the last rep of the 225 push press, but happy with the gains on shoulder strength and mobility.
The KB swings 25UB at 2 pood were challenging at the end but easily complete able, the HSPU were completed in 12-15. Goal was 17-20. Still some work to do here, I need to be able to complete 21UB HSPU during a WOD to be competitive. Still this is progressing towards that goal. This is the 3rd set of 4 sets. I forgot to move the camera on the other three so you could not see my HSPU and the KBS all looked the same.

Wednesday, January 9, 2013


So today was

A. Squat snatch clusters; rest 20 seconds/rest 3 min
B. 3 muscle ups on the minute for 15 min
Power clean 185#
HSPU strict

So morning started off rough with snatch work. Rough getting moving but moved through it. Need to focus on being more crisp and locking out under the weight. Weight were 135-160

So after that was really excited and nervous about the muscle up work. These have been my kryptonite in the past, was really happy with being able to hit all 15 sets UB. After watching the video I need to ensure that my before I pull and bend my army my hips are all the way extended and my arms are straight. I do not want any no reps at sectionals and some of those were suspect.
After that another kryptonite of mine a moderate weight oly movement combined with STRICT HSPU. I was really happy how this workout went. I originally thought I completed the workout in 7:20. After reviewing the tape it is 7:37. Need to get this 6 or under to be competitive.

Tuesday, January 8, 2013


So today was Run 400_40Burpees_Run 400
Felt good this AM. Started my day at 4 as I am trying to make my norm. Workout was so short, that I listened to an OPT live feed on nutrition and warmed up slow. Felt ready to tackle this workout. My goal was to get this under 5 mins. I was on track coming back at 1:30 from first 400. I should have pushed harder to get that around 1:25-1:27 to give my self a buffer, I could have pushed harder. Burpees felt smooth until around 27. I need to push this pain envelope harder and just kept going. I lost count and only completed 37, so I figure 3 seconds per burpee so I will add 9 seconds to my time, so the burpees took a little over 2 min.The second run was a slog. This felt similar to my triathlon days getting off the bike to the run. End time was 5:17 so add 9 seconds puts me at 5;26. I know if I push a little harder on the first run and blast through the pain I can get this at 5. Onward.

Monday, January 7, 2013


So today was
2K row then max double unders in 10 min. So row took 6:44. Happy with this as previous PR was 7 mins flat. The double unders I was only able to get 120. It took almost 30 seconds to get my legs moving. I can usually string 30-40 together. I had a hard time getting 10-20 this time. I think I can get at least 180-200 if I do this again.


A. Power clean gauntlet; 1 rep starting @165# add 10 pounds per minute
until failure

Felt real good this AM. Was supposed to do this yesterday but after 2 days of call in a row I layed down for a quick  nap with my daughter in afternoon and slept for 4 hours. So missed my window to workout but think I needed the rest. This AM felt sluggish getting started since it was 26 degrees in the garage, but warmed up for about 45 mins and then started feeling really excited to hit this. Energy systems were ready to go, would have liked to hit 265 as 270 is 1 RM. Think I could get about 20+ pounds on my PC.

5 rounds for time 3 power clean @85% 1rm 6 hspu 30 meter bear crawl
So hit this in the afternoon. Energy felt low but once again after warming up felt motivated. PC form felt a bit off, as I learn to balance speed and shortness of breath with good form, but not terrible, HSPU are getting faster with kip still some work to do, more of a balance issue then a fatigue issue, bear crawls were more taxing then I had anticipated. Overall time was 11:20. I know I can go faster.

Friday, January 4, 2013


A. 1 1/4 back squat 3, 3, 3, 2, 2, 2; rest 2 min
Did these from 185-325. Last one was painful but earned the last rep.

B1. DB reverse lunges 16 continuous alt'ing steps x4; rest 1 min. These were also pretty painful. Used 70lb in each hand. Really had to earn these reps. 
B2. 23 unbroken chin ups x4; rest 1 min Stayed all UB until last 23. 

C. Toes to bar; 18 unbroken x4; rest 2 min. Only had time to finish two sets. 1st set UB. 2nd set 14 and 4. 

Thursday, January 3, 2013


Oly work with coach today. Really worked on getting multiple touch and go full snatches on 155. Hit a few sets at 15 secs for three. Some clean to jerk and then jerk for 3, did 185-225. Felt good, need to get more comfortable at doubles and triples at heavier weights for jerk.


A. Squat clean 2, 2, 2, 2, 2, 2; rest 2 min 205-260. 

B. Parallete HSPU; 30 for time
This was tough, but happy about how it went in the end. Only had about a 3 inch deficit, but could not even do 1 before. Kip is maturing, lots of work yet, but progressing!

30 squat snatch for time 135#
Perform 5 toes to bar on the top of each minute
This was a slog. Took almost 15 minutes, 1 minute came around quick. Shoulders were toasty after the HSPU, but getting better everyday. Onward towards sectionals!!!!